Hot Sale Custom Wholesale Empty Glass Travel Perfume Bottles

For almost 20 years, we have perfected the art of creating exquisite perfume bottles that not only house your fragrance but elevate it into a luxurious experience, reflecting our commitment to fine craftsmanship and elegant design.

Durable Heavy Glass Design for Everyday Use and Longevity

Our perfume bottles are made from heavy, high-quality glass that offers durability and reliability. Built to resist breakage, these bottles can endure everyday use, making them a lasting choice for perfume enthusiasts and travelers alike.

Elegant Fine Mist Atomizer for Effortless and Even Fragrance Distribution

Each bottle features a high-quality, attractive atomizer that produces a fine mist, ensuring your fragrance is distributed evenly with every spray. The atomizer, paired with a sophisticated metal cap, provides both functionality and a refined look.

Easy and Quick Refill System Without the Risk of Spills or Air Exposure

Our innovative design allows for quick refills in just seconds without the need for funnels, eliminating the risk of spilling or exposing your precious perfume to air. This ensures the fragrance stays fresh and long-lasting.

Versatile Storage Solution for Perfumes, Essential Oils, Body Mists, and More

These custom glass perfume bottles aren’t just for fragrances. Their versatile design makes them perfect for essential oils, body mists, aromatherapy blends, homemade DIY sprays, and even air fresheners, offering endless possibilities for personal care and wellness.

The Perfect Gift for All Occasions: Birthdays, Anniversaries, and Special Celebrations

Whether for Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Christmas, or any special event, our refillable perfume bottles make for a thoughtful and elegant gift. The timeless design and practical functionality ensure they are cherished by loved ones on any occasion.

Kõik meie kohandatavad klaaspudelid on loodud teie toodetest parima välja toomiseks, pakkudes nii funktsiooni kui ka stiili. Meie pudelid, mis sobivad suurepäraselt tipptasemel ettevõtetele, on ideaalne valik teie kvaliteetsete lõhnaainete, õlide, losjoonide ja muu esitluse ja atraktiivsuse parandamiseks.

Korduma kippuvad küsimused

The Top Questions About Perfume Bottles

Perfumes can react uniquely to each person’s body chemistry. Factors such as stress, hormonal fluctuations, diet, and medications can influence how a scent develops on your skin.

To prolong the fragrance, apply a rich body lotion before spraying. Using a matching cream or an unscented option like Cetaphil can help. Additionally, lightly misting your hair can enhance scent longevity.

While some experts recommend replacing perfumes annually, proper storage can extend their life. Generally, perfumes last several years if kept away from heat, light, and excessive air exposure.

Here’s a quick conversion chart:

  • 100 ml = 3.3 or 3.4 oz
  • 50 ml = 1.7 oz
  • 30 ml = 1 oz
  • 15 ml = 0.5 oz
  • 10 ml = 0.33 oz
  • 7.5 ml = 0.25 oz
  • 5 ml = 0.17 oz
  • 3.7 ml = 0.125 oz

Essential oils are concentrated plant extracts obtained through steam distillation, while perfume oils are fragrance components in an oily base, suitable for direct skin application.

When selecting a perfume bottle, consider the material (glass vs. plastic), size, and design that reflects your brand or personal style. Ensure it has a suitable applicator (spray, dropper, or lotion pump) for easy use.

To clean your perfume bottle, empty any remaining liquid, rinse it with warm water, and use a mild soap if needed. Avoid harsh chemicals. Allow it to air dry completely before refilling.

Yes, samples are usually provided free of charge (up to 2 pcs/item). Email us your request, and we’ll ship within 48 business hours. Customers are responsible for shipping costs.

Delivery times vary based on customization and your location. For the latest order updates, please contact us directly.

Most orders ship from our main warehouse in Shenzhen, China, though we have additional locations. The shipping source depends on the products ordered.

Yes, the minimum order is 10,000 pcs per item.

Me aktsepteerime telegraafiülekannet, Western Unioni ja akreditiivi.

Kõige ajakohasemate inventarinõuete saamiseks võtke meiega ühendust.

Certain products (such as made-to-order items) are non-returnable. If there are damaged/ wrong products, we’ll double-check the real situation and make a replacement in the next shipment accordingly.

How To Customize Perfume Bottles

Know the customization process about perfume bottles

Parfüümipudelite rakendus

parfüümi pudel

luksuslikud parfüümid

Autentne parfüümimaja, mis on pühendunud ainulaadsete käsitöölõhnade loomise kunstile nii meestele kui naistele. Meie kirg seisneb erakordsete lõhnade loomiseks parimate koostisosade hankimises kogu maailmast. Iga aroom on meistriteos, mis peegeldab originaalsust ja rafineeritust, mis on loodud emotsioonide esilekutsumiseks ja isikliku väljenduse parandamiseks.

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parfüümi pudel

Kaasaskantav mugav reisimine

Lihtne ja mugav: see parfüümi pihustipudel on mõeldud pingutusteta reisimiseks. Selle kompaktne suurus muudab selle kaasaskandmise lihtsaks, samas kui kasutajasõbralik täitemehhanism ei taga lekkeid. Vajutage lihtsalt põhja vastu oma lõhnapudelit ja olete valmis nautima oma lemmiklõhna kõikjal, kuhu lähete – ideaalne igaks seikluseks!

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parfüümi pudel

Täiustage oma lõhnabrändi

Meie disaini tugevus paistab läbi igas detailis, kuna pakume laias valikus kohandamisvõimalusi, et luua pudeleid, mis kehastavad täiuslikult teie brändi identiteeti. Alates elegantsetest ja minimalistlikest kujundustest kuni kaunistatud ja luksusliku esteetikani – meie osavad käsitöölised toovad teie visiooni ellu laitmatu viimistlusega.

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Miks valida meid

Rohkem kui 13-aastase kogemusega originaaltootjana oleme spetsialiseerunud klaaspudelitest parfüümipudelite projekteerimisele ja tootmisele. Need on olulised parfüümide, odekolonni ja kehaudude pakendilahendused. Lisaks praktilisele funktsioonile kaitsta vedelikku aurustumise ja saastumise eest, on parfüümipudelid loodud lõhna visuaalset atraktiivsust tõstma, muutes need oluliseks elemendiks brändingus ja turunduses.

parfüümi pudel

Kes me oleme

Oleme parfüümipudelite tootelahenduste teedrajav liider. Ligi 20 aastat oleme olnud kohandatud parfüümipudelite tehnoloogia esirinnas, pakkudes uuenduslikke lahendusi igas kujuteldavas vormis. Meie teadmised seisnevad teie erinõuetele vastavate parfüümipudelitoodete väljatöötamises ja tootmises.

Mida me teeme

As the world’s leading perfume bottle supplier, our factory is passionate about perfume bottle technology. Perfume bottles serve as an essential packaging solution for perfumes, colognes, and body mists. In addition to their practical function of protecting the liquid from evaporation and contamination, perfume bottles are designed to enhance the visual appeal of the fragrance, making them a vital element of branding and marketing.

parfüümi pudel

Our Benefits

We provide products with competitive pricing and reliable quality backed by an after-sales warranty. Whether you are a distributor. system integrator, or end-user, you will find the right perfume bottles and related products here, ensuring that your company gains tangible benefits.

One Stop-Solution

We have grown into a company with over 200 team members, including a production department, R&D center, sales department, technical support, and after-sales service. Understanding that time isof the essence, we can fulfill customized orders within just 7 days. We have a professional team of over 100 factory employees to ensure a stable supply and fast delivery of all orders.

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