Wholesale Clear Square Glass Perfume Bottles China Direct Factory
Our square perfume bottles are made from heavy-duty, sturdy glass that resists breakage, ensuring long-lasting durability. These bottles are perfect for both personal and commercial use, offering reliable storage for perfumes, essential oils, and other liquids.
Fine Mist Atomizer for Smooth, Consistent Perfume Application
Equipped with a premium fine mist atomizer, these bottles deliver a soft, even spray for a luxurious fragrance experience. Whether using it for perfume or aromatherapy oils, the mist guarantees consistent coverage with every spray.
Quick and Spill-Free Refills for Maximum Convenience
Designed with ease in mind, these refillable bottles allow for quick refills without spills or the need for extra tools like funnels. The wide opening ensures you can replenish liquids easily and without mess, making it a hassle-free process.
Elegant Metal Cap and Modern Square Design for Visual Appeal
The sleek, modern square design paired with a handsome metal cap adds a touch of sophistication and elegance. These bottles are perfect for displaying on vanities or shelves, enhancing the aesthetic appeal of any fragrance collection.
Versatile Usage for Perfumes, Essential Oils, and DIY Sprays
These refillable glass bottles are highly versatile and ideal for a variety of uses, including perfumes, body mists, essential oils, air fresheners, and homemade sprays. Their adaptability makes them suitable for both personal care and aromatherapy needs.
A Thoughtful and Luxurious Gift for Special Occasions
These clear square perfume bottles make excellent gifts for loved ones on special occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, Mother’s Day, and holidays. Their exquisite design and practical functionality make them a luxurious yet thoughtful present.
Step into a world of timeless elegance with our Wholesale Clear Square Glass Perfume Bottles, crafted with almost a century of refined expertise. Designed to transform every perfume experience into a luxurious moment, these refillable bottles are both stylish and functional, making them the perfect choice for storing your favorite fragrances or essential oils.
Key Features:
Durable Heavy Glass Construction
Made from sturdy, break-resistant glass, these square perfume bottles are designed to last, offering long-term protection for your valuable fragrances. The robust glass ensures that the bottle remains intact even with frequent use, providing a luxurious yet durable solution for personal or commercial needs.Fine Mist Atomizer for Smooth and Even Application
The premium atomizer delivers a fine, even mist that ensures a smooth and consistent perfume application every time. Whether you are using it for perfumes, essential oils, or DIY sprays, the reliable mist spray system enhances the overall fragrance experience with ease.Easy to Refill in Seconds Without Spills
Refilling the bottle is quick, simple, and spill-free. Designed for convenience, the wide bottle opening allows for easy refills without the need for funnels or the risk of exposing the liquid to air, preserving the fragrance’s quality and longevity.Sleek Metal Cap and Handsome Design
Each bottle is equipped with a sophisticated metal cap that adds a refined touch to the overall design. The sleek square shape and modern aesthetic make these bottles ideal for showcasing on vanities or as part of luxury product lines.Perfect for a Range of Liquids
These versatile refillable bottles are not only suitable for perfumes but also for essential oils, body mists, aromatherapy blends, homemade DIY sprays, air fresheners, and more. Their wide usability makes them a valuable addition to any collection.Ideal Gift for Special Occasions
These exquisite perfume bottles make thoughtful gifts for birthdays, anniversaries, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Valentine’s Day, or Christmas. Their luxurious design and practicality make them a cherished gift for anyone who appreciates elegance and fine fragrances.
Why Choose Us:
Arc-Shaped Spray Head for Precision Application: The unique arc design of the spray head allows for easy and comfortable use, reaching areas like the nasal cavity with precision. Perfect for personal use, the spray head enhances the fragrance application process.
Superior Mist Technology for Exceptional Coverage: The finely crafted plastic sheet inside the atomizer features small holes that produce an even and excellent mist spray, ensuring perfect coverage without clogging or falling off during continuous use.
Secure Spray Mechanism: Unlike other spray bottles, our atomizer’s plastic sheet stays securely in place, even with continuous spraying, providing consistent performance over time.
Perfectly Fitted Straw for Maximum Usage: The length of the straw is exactly aligned with the bottle’s height, allowing you to utilize every last drop of liquid. The cap is easy to twist and seals securely, ensuring that the bottle is leak-proof and travel-friendly.
These Wholesale Clear Square Glass Perfume Bottles from our China direct factory combine style, durability, and functionality, making them an exceptional choice for storing perfumes or essential oils. Ideal for both personal use and luxury brands, they are the epitome of elegant craftsmanship and practicality.
Gereelde vraag
Die topvrae oor parfuumbottels
Parfuum kan uniek reageer op elke persoon se liggaam chemie. Faktore soos stres, hormonale fluktuasies, dieet en medikasie kan beïnvloed hoe 'n reuk op jou vel ontwikkel.
Om die geur te verleng, smeer ’n ryk lyfroom aan voordat jy spuit. Die gebruik van 'n bypassende room of 'n ongegeurde opsie soos Cetaphil kan help. As jy jou hare liggies was, kan die geur langer lewe.
Terwyl sommige kenners aanbeveel om parfuum jaarliks te vervang, kan behoorlike berging hul lewe verleng. Oor die algemeen hou parfuum 'n paar jaar lank as dit weggehou word van hitte, lig en oormatige lugblootstelling.
Hier is 'n vinnige omskakeling grafiek:
- 100 ml = 3,3 of 3,4 oz
- 50 ml = 1,7 onse
- 30 ml = 1 ons
- 15 ml = 0,5 oz
- 10 ml = 0,33 onse
- 7,5 ml = 0,25 onse
- 5 ml = 0,17 onse
- 3,7 ml = 0,125 onse
Essensiële olies is gekonsentreerde plantekstrakte wat deur stoomdistillasie verkry word, terwyl parfuumolies geurkomponente in 'n olierige basis is, geskik vir direkte veltoediening.
Wanneer jy 'n parfuumbottel kies, oorweeg die materiaal (glas vs. plastiek), grootte en ontwerp wat jou handelsmerk of persoonlike styl weerspieël. Maak seker dit het 'n geskikte toediener (sproei-, drupper- of lotionpomp) vir maklike gebruik.
Om jou parfuumbottel skoon te maak, maak enige oorblywende vloeistof leeg, spoel dit met warm water en gebruik 'n sagte seep indien nodig. Vermy harde chemikalieë. Laat dit heeltemal lugdroog voordat dit hervul word.
Ja, monsters word gewoonlik gratis verskaf (tot 2 stuks/item). E-pos ons jou versoek, en ons sal binne 48 werksure versend. Kliënte is verantwoordelik vir versendingskoste.
Afleweringstye wissel na gelang van aanpassing en jou ligging. Kontak ons asseblief direk vir die nuutste bestellingopdaterings.
Die meeste bestellings word vanaf ons hoofpakhuis in Shenzhen, China, gestuur, hoewel ons bykomende liggings het. Die versendingsbron hang af van die produkte wat bestel is.
Ja, die minimum bestelling is 10 000 stuks per item.
Ons aanvaar telegrafiese oordrag, Western Union en kredietbrief.
Kontak ons asseblief vir die mees onlangse voorraadinligting.
Sekere produkte (soos op bestelling gemaak items) kan nie teruggestuur word nie. As daar beskadigde/verkeerde produkte is, sal ons die werklike situasie nagaan en dienooreenkomstig 'n vervanging in die volgende versending maak.
Hoe om parfuumbottels aan te pas
Ken die aanpassingsproses oor parfuumbottels

Die proses begin met die ontwerp van die bottel se vorm en styl, aangepas by markneigings en die handelsmerk se identiteit, om te verseker dat dit uitstaan en by verbruikers aanklank vind.

Presiese vorms word gemaak om konsekwentheid in vorm en grootte te verseker. Hierdie stap is van kardinale belang, aangesien die vorms die kwaliteit van die finale produk direk beïnvloed

Sample Confirmation
Before proceeding with full-scale production, we offer a sample confirmation process to ensure that perfume bottles meet your exact specifications
and application requirements.

Mass Production
Leveraging state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities and advanced technology, we maintain efficiency and precision throughout the production cycle.

Kwaliteit Inspeksie
Kontroleer die bottels vir kwaliteit, insluitend afmetings, voorkoms en sterkte

Pak die voltooide bottels vir versending
Parfuumbottels aanwending

luukse parfuums
'n Outentieke parfuumhuis wat toegewyd is aan die kuns om unieke, kunsmatige geure vir beide mans en vroue te skep. Ons passie lê daarin om die beste bestanddele van regoor die wêreld te verkry om uitsonderlike geure te vervaardig. Elke geur is 'n meesterstuk, wat oorspronklikheid en sofistikasie weerspieël, ontwerp om emosies op te wek en persoonlike uitdrukking te verbeter.

Draagbare handige reis
Eenvoudig en gerieflik: Hierdie parfuumverstuiverbottel is ontwerp vir moeitelose reis. Sy kompakte grootte maak dit maklik om te dra, terwyl die gebruikersvriendelike hervulmeganisme geen lekkasies verseker nie. Druk net die bodem teen jou geurbottel, en jy is gereed om jou gunsteling geur te geniet waar jy ook al gaan—perfek vir enige avontuur!

Verbeter jou geurhandelsmerk
Ons ontwerpsterkte skyn in elke detail deur, want ons bied 'n wye reeks aanpassingsopsies om bottels te skep wat jou handelsmerk se identiteit perfek beliggaam. Van slanke en minimalistiese ontwerpe tot versierde en luukse estetika, ons bekwame ambagsmanne bring jou visie tot lewe met onberispelike vakmanskap.
Hoekom ons kies
As 'n oorspronklike vervaardiger met meer as 13 jaar ondervinding, spesialiseer ons in die ontwerp en vervaardiging van parfuumbottels van glasbottels. Hulle dien as 'n noodsaaklike verpakkingsoplossing vir parfuums, colognes en liggaamsnewels. Benewens hul praktiese funksie om die vloeistof teen verdamping en kontaminasie te beskerm, is parfuumbottels ontwerp om die visuele aantrekkingskrag van die geur te verbeter, wat dit 'n belangrike element van handelsmerk en bemarking maak.

Wie Ons Is
Ons is 'n baanbrekerleier in oplossings vir parfuumbottels. Vir byna 20 jaar is ons aan die voorpunt van pasgemaakte parfuumbotteltegnologie, en bied innoverende oplossings in elke denkbare vorm. Ons kundigheid lê in die ontwikkeling en vervaardiging van parfuumbottelprodukte wat aangepas is om aan u spesifieke vereistes te voldoen.
Wat ons doen
As die wêreld se voorste verskaffer van parfuumbottels, is ons fabriek passievol oor parfuumbotteltegnologie. Parfuumbottels dien as 'n noodsaaklike verpakkingsoplossing vir parfuums, colognes en liggaamsnewels. Benewens hul praktiese funksie om die vloeistof teen verdamping en kontaminasie te beskerm, is parfuumbottels ontwerp om die visuele aantrekkingskrag van die geur te verbeter, wat dit 'n belangrike element van handelsmerk en bemarking maak.

Ons Voordele
Ons verskaf produkte met mededingende pryse en betroubare kwaliteit gerugsteun deur 'n na-verkope waarborg. Of jy nou 'n verspreider is. stelselintegreerder, of eindgebruiker, sal jy die regte parfuumbottels en verwante produkte hier vind, om te verseker dat jou maatskappy tasbare voordele kry.
Ons het gegroei tot 'n maatskappy met meer as 200 spanlede, insluitend 'n produksie-afdeling, R&D-sentrum, verkoopsafdeling, tegniese ondersteuning en na-verkope diens. As ons verstaan dat tyd van die essensie is, kan ons pasgemaakte bestellings binne net 7 dae uitvoer. Ons het 'n professionele span van meer as 100 fabriekswerknemers om 'n stabiele aanbod en vinnige aflewering van alle bestellings te verseker.

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